8th May 2018 - Nepal Red Cross Society Ganabahal Sub-Chapter organized Emergency Blood Donation program with technical support from NRCS Central Blood Transfusion Centre (CBTS). As, Kathmandu valley is facing crisis due to shortage of blood. CBTS have appealed to many blood donation program organizers i.e institutions to conduct blood donation programs in order to minimize the blood shortage within the valley. Thus, NRCS Ganabahal Sub-Chapter by viewing shortage of blood in the CBTS organized "Emergency Blood Donation Program" at Basantapur from 2:00 - 7:00 pm.
Source: Mr. Bhakta Chandan Barahi / Ms. Laxmi Shakya (Coordinator)
Photo: Mr. Bhakta Chandan Barahi (Governance Member) donating blood in the program.
Photo: Blood donors donating blood along with NRCS volunteers assisting them.