In order to mobilize Youths of Nepal Red Cross Society
Kathmandu District Chapter and 19 Sub-Chapters within District chapter, during
the times of conflict, war, disaster and emergencies. Four Sub-chapter’s i.e.
NRCS Ganabahal, Sitapaila, Bramhatole and Chandragiri Sub-Chapter’s jointly
organized workshop “Youth in Red Cross Movement” on 2073/11/06. Representative from Nepal Government Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Develpoment Mr. Amar Dip Sunuwar,
Mr. Bal Krishna Sedgai (NRCS HQ Junior/Youth red cross Department), Mr. Narayan
Lamichanne (NRCS HQ Organization Development Department) gave presentations on
Youth’s Importance and Organizational development. Board Members and
representatives from 11 Sub-Chapters were present in workshop.
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Source: /f;; ;dfrf/ ;]jf / RA.SA.SA